Thursday, May 15, 2008

Librarians Gone Wild

Yes these are actual librarians tearing up library books. Well outdated library books

Mothers Day

Here is three generations of our family celebrating Mothers Day

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

2008 MPPA Lundgren Scholarship Award

I was shocked and honored to have been nominated by Krish Keifer as a finalist for the Lundgren Scholarship.

The Lundgren Scholarship Fund was instituted by Leonard Lundgren of Minneapolis to be given to an outstanding "young person" interested in portrait photography.

I am young at heart I guess and new to the business so that got me by.

Thank You to Krish and all the past Presidents Of MPPA who gave me this award. I am truely honored. Amy Zellmer the President of the TCPPA took this picture of me being congratulated on the award by MPPA President Laurie Pease Johnson.